Saturday, July 8, 2023

Disney World haunted mansion movie.

 I saw the trailer for the Disney haunted mansion move, I do not recognize anything, although it has been 50 years. My partner Paul and I with the help of our laborer, we did all the trim and installed the complete show.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Hollow antlers

I have been asked many times, how did I make the wooden spiral lamp.

 Designing and building my wooden spiral lamp was the prelude to my Hollow antlers.

These pictures are the tooling of the main 2 components, hollowing out the spirals and making the spirals round.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How to hollow out antler?.

 These antlers has been hollowed out, not drilled and patched or painted over.

The process can be used for all types of lighting, chandeliers, sconces, table lamps, floor lamps, also can be used for waterfalls with your aquarium.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Not do something, But make something that has never been made Before

These are creation that has never been made before.

Wooden spiral lamp

Ceramic spiraled lamp

Ceramic legs, spiral coffee

X-rayed antlers

Hollowing out, x-rayed antlers

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hollow Antlers

If antlers could be hollowed out what all could be made with them?.
My guess would be put lighting on the tips of each antlers.
Also, making a antler waterfall.

I have completed my research on the Internet, nowhere on the Internet have I found anyone that has hollowed out a complete set of REAL shed antlers,(Not ceramic antlers, not fake antlers, not drilled patched and painted over.
Only the enter fibrous tissue has been removed.

Hollow antler coat and hat rack

Two antlers

Two antlers x-rayed hollow

Hollow  antler x-ray

Before they were hollowed out

A new way to display antlers.
This is a natural shed antler, it has not been drilled, no holes were patched, are painted over,
Only the enter fibrous tissue has been removed.